Advanced Energy offers a comprehensive suite of solutions tailored for every stage of the glass manufacturing journey. Highly controlled plasma power delivery, temperature measurement, and temperature control is critical for energy-intensive glass production processes.
Precise Control and Measurement for Higher Yield
Advanced Energy offers leading technology for every phase of glass production:
- Plasma Power Delivery Systems
- Pyrometers
- Thermal Imagers
- SCR Power Controllers
Glass Melting, Flat Glass, Container Glass, and Specialty Glass
Accurate and precise temperature monitoring is critical for efficient and cost-effective melting, glass viscosity control, heat zone adjustment, annealing, and stress reduction. For decades, our instruments have been used in continuous and batch glass manufacturing processes around the world, where robustness and reliability are critical. Temperature measurement is also directly related to glass quality as well as prolonging the life of critical assets such as refractory walls.
Glass Coating
New coating materials and layer stacks require advanced plasma power delivery solutions. Advanced Energy’s DC, pulsed DC, bipolar pulsed DC, and low-frequency AC solutions provide stable, reliable, precise power for innovative coating processes. Highly developed power delivery controls, including sophisticated arc management technology, increase uptime, deposition rates, and quality, while reducing cost of ownership.
Featured Products
Featured Resources
Glass Production Solutions Brochure
Molten Glass Case Study
Flat Glass Melt Tank Monitoring Application Note
Flat Glass Regenerator Application Note
Sheet Glass Production Application Note
Process Control for Glass Manufacturing Brochure
Plasma Power Delivery, Temperature Measurement, and Temperature Control